Knowledge Base > Multi Location Inventory > Products


Import Products Availability Data

In order to import products, you must upload a CSV file in the corresponding format.

Uploading CSV file is available via the CSV File Upload form directory or enter the file URL to the CSV File URL field.

The CSV File URL will be called everyday at UTC 0:00 to import products via the URL.

Optionally, you can specify particular thresholds (no stock, low stock) for specific products in the 4th and 5th field. These thresholds will override the global thresholds.

Optionally, you can specify custom messages (no stock, low stock, in stock) for specific products in the 6th, 7th and 8th field respectively (available after version 2.0.7).

All products imported will insert OR update (if the SKU already exists). It may take up to a minute for several thousands of products.

Alternatively, you can import products using our API (see API).

Sync BigCommerce Inventory Periodically

Sync the app's product inventory with BigCommerce inventory.

Works with BigCommerce native Multi-Location Inventory

Step-by-step setting guide

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Export Product Availability Data

An export of all your products can be easily created by clicking its corresponding button.

This is useful for cross checking data sent to our side, or backups.


Purge Product Variants Cache: Please clear product variants cache when new variants are added in the store.

Purge Product Availability Data: Additionally, you can delete all products. This does not delete your BigCommerce products. This simply removes the product inventory levels (that you imported) for the locations that are hosted on our secure servers.

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