Knowledge Base > Excise Tax Manager > Overview & Installation

Overview & Installation

Excise Tax Manager
by MyIntegrator

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A tax management app that allows you to quickly set up custom taxes, per-product flat rates and more.

You can find out more (on the official MyIntegrator website).


This add-on is a one-click install (via the BigCommerce app store).

Once the app is ready, navigate to your BigCommerce ‘Settings’ tab, and then to the 'Tax' section, at the URL https://store-{STORE HASH} You should see an "Excise Tax' provider, which can be enabled to forward tax requests from your BigCommerce store to the app. Click 'Edit', on the Excise Tax service, and then click on the 'Test Connection' button to confirm that your store is sending and receiving data with the Excise Tax App. If successful, you may enable the app; this means that when order totals are being calculated on the cart or checkout page, tax data will be requested from our app and then used for that customer order.

With the connection successful, you’re now ready to configure your tax rules!


  • Add Custom Tax Rates
Our app allows to to setup and add custom taxes, levies and fees to your store on checkout.
  • Configure Tax Rules
Setup rule-based taxes that apply based off of product SKU, customer group, tax class, shipping location and more
  • Display Inclusive Tax Breakdowns
Show your customers the tax breakdowns for orders with tax inclusive items.
  • Integrate with Avalara
Connect your Avalara account to automatically import cross-region tax compliance rules.

Installation Troubleshooting

If the 'Test Connection' process fails, or you can't see the tax provider, head to your BigCommerce 'Store Logs' (at https://store-{STORE HASH} and search for the details of the connection error.

If there is an issue, then check the app install page at https://store-{STORE HASH} to confirm that the app is installed correctly - if there is a button for 'Cancel Installation' and no button for 'Uninstall App', then there has been an interruption during the install process. You will have to click 'Cancel Installation' and re-install the Excise Tax Manager App.

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