Knowledge Base > Advanced Shipping Rates > Carrier Settings

Carrier Settings

Use this section to set up the app's connection with carriers such as FedEx and UPS. Once configured, the carriers can be used to estimate and provide shipping costs for the app's shipping rates. After setting up carrier settings, that carrier's services can be individually assigned to your app rates.

Setting Description
General Carrier Options
Enable Your Custom Packaging
Enable this setting to indicate whether the shipment will use your own custom packaging or carrier-provided packaging (e.g. a FedEx Box) when sending order dimension and weight details to the carrier. 
Enable One Box
Enable this option to consolidate items into a single box when sending order details to the carrier. This can help reduce the shipping costs returned by the carriers.
FedEx Configuration

Enable FedEx

Enables FedEx services to be used to retrieve quotes as rate pricing.

After enabling this, you can navigate to the 'rates' section to attach individual FedEx services to the app shipping rates.

FedEx Mode

Choose whether you're using a live or sandbox FedEx account.

FedEx Account ID

The FedEx Account ID, which is required for authentication with the FedEx API. You can find this in your FedEx Developer or production account dashboard.

FedEx API Key 

The API Key associated with your FedEx account. This is used to authenticate requests to the FedEx API.

FedEx API Secret

The API Secret corresponding to your FedEx API Key.

UPS Configuration

Enable UPS

Enables UPS services to be used to retrieve quotes as rate pricing.

After enabling this, you can navigate to the 'rates' section to attach individual UPS services to the app shipping rates.

To be able to set up a UPS connection, be sure to set up an app with 'Rating' enabled in, which will give you the credentials you need.

UPS Mode

Choose whether to send live or sandbox UPS requests.

UPS Account ID

Enter your UPS Account ID. You can find this in your UPS developer profile page on - it is the same as your 'Billing Account Number'.

UPS Client ID

Enter the UPS Client ID of your corresponding UPS app. 

UPS Client Secret 

Enter the UPS Client Secret of your corresponding UPS app. 

UPS Access Token

Enter your UPS app's access token, which should be retrieved during app set-up.

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