Knowledge Base > SalesSwitch > App Overview

App Overview


This app enables you to set up relationships between user accounts, and thereby enable certain 'super-account' users to easily manage and switch between 'sub-account' users. 

When there are users with a 'managed by' value that matches another user's 'manager code', then that user will be available for switching. When the manager user logs in, they will see the Switcher – A circular button with an account switcher icon that allows them to switch between customer accounts. It will only appear if there are available customers to switch to. The button’s position can be set to top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right based on the configured settings. Clicking it triggers the Panel, and displayers the list of accounts that they can switch to.

You can find out more (on the official MyIntegrator website).


  • Customer Attribute Field To Manage Accounts

This setting allows you to create a custom field on the customer 'edit' pages which enables you to set that customer as a sub-account.

Press the 'create' button to instantiate the field if it doesn't already exist, and then select it from the dropdown field.

On your customer accounts, you can use the field to assign that customer a super-account, and that customer will be available as a sub-account to switch to for the user designated in that field.

  • Customer Attribute Field For Manager Code

This setting allows you to create a custom field on the customer 'edit' pages which enables you to set that customer as a manager. 

Press the 'create' button to instantiate the field if it doesn't already exist, and then select it from the dropdown field.

On your customer accounts, you can use the field to assign the account a manager code, allowing them to be designated as a manager in other accounts. This user will be able to switch between sub-accounts.

  • Customer Attribute Field For Custom Identifier

This setting allows you to create a custom field on the customer 'edit' pages which enables you to change how customer names appear in the account switcher menu. 

Press the 'create' button to instantiate the field if it doesn't already exist, and then select it from the dropdown field.

On your customer accounts, you can use the field to assign the customer an identifier, which will show up to represent them in the sub-account switcher menu. (a chip with this text will appear next to the customer’s name in the Panel).

  • Display Panel On Load

Enable this option to immediately show the account switcher panel on page load, if the current user has any sub-accounts assigned.

  • Display Tooltip

Enable this option to always show a tooltip over the account switcher menu button. It is a contextual text label that appears above, below, left, or right of the Switcher, based on the configured settings.

  • Switcher Position

Set the location of the Switcher.

  • Display Tooltip

Set the location of the Switcher's tooltip.

  • Panel Title

Set the display heading of the Panel.

  • Tooltip Text

Set the text content of the Switcher's tooltip.

  • Exclude Pages

Enter a comma-separated list of page URLs to stop the account switching functionality on those pages.

An example value for this setting is: `/cart.php, /checkout, /checkout/order-confirmation`

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