Knowledge Base > Files App > General Settings

General Settings

Setting Description
Store Hash

This is a technical field, used by us (MyIntegrator) to help identify your store should you need support.

WebDAV Username & Password

Before you can use the app, you would need to have a WebDAV account to connect to your backend to upload and access files you want to show on products

Enable Product Tab

When you enable this setting then we will create a tab that is specifically used to display all the files that you have associated

File Tab Name

When you enable product tab, enter the file tab name you want that tab to be called

Enable product Shortcode

When you enable this setting, then we will have a look at your product description and find the shortcode you set in the description of the product

Product Shortcode

When you enable product shortcode, we will use this field to look at your product description and replace that text with the list of product files.

Show File Content?

If you enable this, we will show the content accordingly (show images and PDFs), if disabled, then we will only show a link to the file(s).

Enable File Matching by SKU

If you enable this, we will search from your website’s DAV or files to find any files that have the SKU in their file name

Enable File Matching by Category

If you enable this, we will search from your website’s DAV or files to find any files that have the category(s) in their file name (case insensitive)

Enable File Matching by Name

If you enable this, we will search from your website’s DAV or files to find any files that have the product’s name in their file name.

Enable Custom Field

If you enable this, we will search from your website’s DAV or files to find any files that is based on the custom field “File Search” on the product’s in BigCommerce

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